Thursday, July 29, 2010

Asthematic ??, Read on

A stepped-up approach with anti-inflammatory drugs, based on severity of the asthma, forms the cornerstone of treatment, however prevention of an acute attack is also very important.

There are many guidelines on diagnosis and management of asthma and allergic rhinitis which stress on the importance of long term regular anti-inflammatory therapy with inhaled corticosteroidswhich are safe and effective and short term therapy with relievers or bronchodilators.
It is important to teach the patients the skills to self-monitor and manage asthma and to use a written asthma action plan, which should include instructions for daily treatment and ways to recognize and handle worsening asthma.
Salient features for treatment of asthma with limited resources in India:
  • Inhaled drugs to be taken as first line of therapy.
  • Reliever inhaled drugs to be taken on an SOS basis.
  • Preventer inhaled drugs to be taken regularly.
  • Treat exacerbations aggressively and prevent future exacerbations with regular controller options (inhaled and oral).
  • Avoid the use of antibiotics, except to control bacterial infections and infectious exacerbations.
  • Regular use of antitussives which only mask symptoms (cough) and offer no relief in the pathogenesis should be discouraged in asthma.
  • Advise proper dietary intake and avoid tobacco and other triggers.
The duration of anti-inflammatory drugs for asthma and allergic rhinitis should be for a minimum of three months to extend the prophylaxis and protection of the airways against all the triggers for the entire duration of any one season.
Yoga, deep breathing exercises, pranayama and swimming have been listed by both asthma specialists and patients themselves as the most useful set of activities which tend to improve the exercise tolerance. Identifying the most useful and productive exercise protocol is as essential as the therapy itself.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Loading your Kid's Back with heavy school bag ?? watch it

The quest for knowledge and academic is weighing down on our children, quite literally. Children often carry backpacks filled with personal items, school items, and projects. Some children carry almost a quarter of their body weight over their shoulders, which is equivalent to a 80 kg man carrying a 20 kg load! With heavy load on their back, children looks like mini sherpas climbing Mount Everest. 
Consequences of faulty backpacks
  1. With a heavy load, children tend to lean forward, take shorter and quicker steps, which cause problems to their posture and their joints or ligaments.
  2. Lugging the backpacks around on one shoulder can cause a disproportionate shift of weight on one side, causing neck muscles to spasm, as well as lower back pain.
  3. Non-padded straps are uncomfortable and can dig into your child’s shoulders.
  4. Straps that are too loose can cause the backpack to dangle uncomfortably and cause spinal mal alignment and pain.
 Features of backpacks
  1. Rigid spinal support that helps children to adopt good posture and puts less strain on growing spines.
  2. Wide U-shaped padded straps, which help relieve pressure on back muscles.
  3. Padded waist straps to distribute the weight from lower back to hip region.
Tips for comfortable and safe backpacks
  • The backpack should never hang more than 4-inches below the waist line.
  • Make sure that pointy or bulky objects are packed away from the area that will rest on your child’s back.
  • Always place the heaviest item close to your body.
  • Urge your child to wear both shoulder straps.
  • The padded shoulder straps should be adjustable so that backpack should be fitted to your child’s body.
  • The school bags should weigh about 10 to 15 per cent of the child’s weight and should strictly not be more than 20 per cent.
  • A child with a smaller frame should have a smaller and lighter backpack and the shoulder straps should be close together to fit their narrow shoulders.
  • The backpack should have individual compartments, which helps to position the contents most effectively.
  • Carry only those things, which are required on that day.
  • Evenly distribute the weight in your pack.
Carrying an ill-fitting backpack from school every day can cause painful back, shoulder and neck injuries for children. Faulty posture over a period of time can lead to overstretching of upper back and shortening of chest muscles causing muscular weakness. These problems can be easily dealt by increasing the muscle strength, improving the flexibility and correcting the faulty posture under the supervision and guidance of a skilled physiotherapist.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Body Odour, Essentially beat it

Body odour is the unpleasant smell, which comes from a person’s body. It is often related with sweating of the body, but the unpleasant odour is mainly due to bacteria. Body odour may also indicate a serious illness. 

  • Kidney disease, fungal infections, liver disease, zinc deficiency, cavities, toxins etc.
  • Some strong medicines. Diabetic patients may smell of acetone because of insulin that they take.
  • Alcohol, cigarette or cigars can lead to an unpleasant body odour.
  • Poor hygiene.
  • Obesity
Natural tips
  • Bath with Neem leaves thrice a week. Boil the leaves till the water becomes green colour.
  • While bathing, add alcohol or white vinegar to a mug of water and use it to rinse the armpits.
Prevention tips
To reduce the pH of the skin and eliminate armpit odour,
  • Take showers, at least thrice in a day, in the summer season.
  • Apply baking soda to your armpits as well as to feet, to reduce body odour.
  • Put a few drops of rose water in the bathtub, before taking bath.
  • Use apple cider vinegar instead of deodorant.
  • Prepare a homemade deodorant with the juice of about two dozen radishes and 1/4-teaspoon glycerine. Apply powder or talc to all the main joints.
  • Pour some white vinegar on a cotton ball and wipe your underarms.
  • Mix 10 drops of the essential tea tree oil in 30 ml water. Apply this mixture on the armpits to reduce body odour.
  • Apply a turnip juice. 
Diet tips
  • Drink a glass of water on an empty stomach, along with 500 mg wheat grass.
  • Avoid refined sugar, white flour, hydrogenated oils and other processed foods. Avoid foods that lack fibre.
  • Avoid red meat because it releases many toxins into the blood stream.
  • Avoid alcohol, caffeine, cumin and garlic.
  • Eat whole grains, lots of leafy vegetables, sprouts, fresh fruits, soy products, and raw nuts.
There is a direct relation between what a person eats and his body odour, so, maintain a balanced diet.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tackle Headaches, Natural ways

Apple a day keeps headaches away!
Or so it is believed by some. A ripe apple is used as a safe home remedy for treating chronic headaches. After removing the upper rind and the hard inner portion, the apple is consumed with a little salt every morning on an empty stomach for 5 – 6 days to affect a cure.

Here are some more traditional Indian home remedies for headaches:

Good ol’ Ginger
Mash a piece of ginger. Squeeze out its juice. Apply ginger juice on the forehead or temples.

Medicinal Mint
Mint is believed to be an excellent preventive remedy for headaches. Drinking ‘pudina chai’ in the morning and evening is a popular prescription for preventing headaches.

Holy Basil
A paste of tulsi leaves applied on the forehead is believed to give relief from headache. Take a cupful of boiling water, add to it a few crumbled leaves of tulsi, cover and steep. Strain and drink in case of headache from nausea or vomiting.

Castor Cure
Soak a piece of clean cloth in castor oil. Drain and place it on the forehead to offset a headache.

Pain relieving pan
The betel leaf is blessed with analgesic properties. Hence a paste of pan is effective in providing relief from intense headache.

Comforting Clove
Another common rural remedy for headaches comprise a paste made of cloves, crystals of sea salt and milk.

Healing Henna
If the headache is caused due to heat, then a plaster made using henna flowers and vinegar is applied on the forehead. It is said to have a cooling and soothing effect that rids the headache.

Ajwain Antidote
Then there are some who vouch for the effectiveness of inhaling the smoke emanating from burning bishop’s weed to rid a headache. Adivasis roll a bidi using a herbal leaf and ajwain to gain relief from a headache. You may opt for inhaling the aroma of roasted ajwain.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Food right, Mood right

Wonder why you keep craving for that bar of chocolate when you feel low? Ever wondered why simple dal and rice soothes your nerves on a day you’re feeling cranked up?
Here’s why different foods affect our moods in different ways. We tell what to have and what to avoid when you feel… 


The deadline’s nearing and you are not done putting all the slides together. You seem to be hitting dead ends no matter what you do.

“Just take a deep breath and munch on some pumpkin seeds, flax seeds or walnuts,” advises nutritionist Naini Setalvad. Foods rich in omega 3 helps our body restore magnesium which increases the body’s ability to cope with stress, she adds.

“On a particularly stressful day, plan grilled fish for dinner. It will help in soothing your nerves,” says Sarita Gaikwad, dietician at Talwalkars.


Feeling the jitters as you get closer to the big interview or a date? “Simply sip on some lime water or dig into your favourite dish of potatoes,” Setalvad says.

These are rich in B complex and vitamin C that helps you relax. “However, try to avoid fried food or caffeine,” she warns as they can only alleviate your anxiety.

“Protein rich foods like grilled chicken or grilled paneer can also help you get over jittery nerves,” says Gaikwad. Protein helps your body to create dopamine, which makes you alert she explains.


Are you feeling the blues lately? “Just grab a piece of dark chocolate,” Gaikwad says. It will instantly boost your energy levels and leave you feeling perkier.

Naini says, “Foods rich in magnesium like bananas and apricots will help too.” Folic acid in the form of spinach or a cup orange juice will lift your moods too.


To keep your temper under control, Gaikwad says, “consume foods that have cooling properties like cucumber or a cup of yogurt.” A glass of chilled milk should do the trick too, she says.

She also says, one should stay away from aerated drinks and alcohol as they will aggravate the emotion. Now you don’t want that- do you?

Keep in mind this food guide and control your moods better!

Cardios, interesting ways

Cycling is boring and jogging doesn’t interest you. You like swimming but your club is way too far and routine gym workouts have begun to get on your nerves. 

If this is the story of your I-am-beginning-to hate-exercising life don’t fret. We bring to you the latest trends in cardio workouts, so that you lose weight and have fun doing it!

Benefits of Cardio

"Cardio workouts are essential for individuals to maintain their pulse rate and heart rate. Individuals above 30 years specially, can see the results of cardio workouts," says Dr. Sanjay Mehra. 

"However, cardio must be done within the limit. Shortness of breath, excessive perspiration, and pain on the left side of the chest at a later stage, indicate that the cardio is being done in excess," he adds. 

Here is a list of the latest trends in cardio:


What makes the stair-master an effective workout to lose weight is the fact that you're working against gravity; something that will always make you burn more calories. A stair-master is designed to make you feel as though you're ascending a flight of stair. Except that in the former, instead of pulling yourself upwards, your body weight pushes the steps down. 

A stair-master can be quite a strenuous workout and is ideally done for few minutes. Increasing the effort level will cause the steps to fall faster, hence making you climb quicker. 

"A cardio workout is effective when it is done at the person's target heart rate. Depending on a person’s endurance and stamina, he can gradually increase the time limit of each session," says Dr. Mehra. 
Calories burnt: Approx. 100 calories in 15 minutes

Climbing machine

Designed to give you the effect of trekking, a Climbing machine has two foot-pads and two handles. The machine is designed such that when you push down one footpad, the alternate handle rises. 

“While a stair-master and climbing machine may seem similar, a stair master has more effect on your other body muscles over a climbing machine, which only works on your legs. So while you can go faster on a climbing machine and hence burn more calories to lose weight, a stair master being more difficult, works better to contract your muscles, giving you the benefits of after burning, i.e, burning calories even few days after working out,” says Fitness trainer Sanket Jadav. 
Calories burnt: Approx. 200 calories in 15 minutes 

Rowing Machine

This machine is devised to give a watercraft rowing effect. The rowing machine works on several muscles of your body, making it a strength-endurance workout. A person using the machine can row at his own pace, hence leaving the intensity of the workout completely in his hands. 

The workout when correctly performed works on your thigh and butt region and can be an intense cardio workout to lose weight once you get the hang of it. 
Calories burnt: An powerful session of Rowing can make you burn around 200 Calories in 20 minutes.


The wave machines are designed to give you the feel of riding on the sea. Something which seems like regular leg pedaling can have wonderful effects to tone your thighs, lose weight and give it the shape you’ve always wanted!
The wave can be harmful to your knees if not done properly so initially doing it under supervision is preferable. 
Calories burnt: Approx. 300 in 30 minutes 

If gyming is not your thing, here’s a list of alternative cardio workouts:


One of the most popular trends of recent times, spinning is a workout that's capable of getting out your 100%. A spinning studio is set to resemble a disco studio, with the latest remixes ringing through your ears. Spinners are expected to spin as per the beats and lose weight. 

A good spinning studio starts with a warm-up and gradually increases the effort level. The music starts off slow, goes into a crescendo and follows with a cool down. Most studios offer a great variety in a spinning class, and an individual can adjust his bike to the level suitable to him. 
Calories burnt: Approx. 400-500 calories/hour

Kick Boxing

“This is perhaps the most power packed workout. The intensity of your workout depends on the amount of effort you put in your punches and kicks. It’s the best workout to give a boost to your energy and burn a large amount of calories to lose weight,” says Jadav. Kick boxing is a form of an exercise that gives you a complete body workout. 
Calories burnt: An intense session of Kick boxing can make you burn around 500 calories in 30 minutes.


A combination of aerobics and dance, aero-dance is another power-packed workout as it is capable of working on your entire body in a single class. Aero-dance may include several styles of aerobics such as hip-hop, high-low construction, kick-boxing, Pilates, afro-jazz and many more. 

The advantage of aero-dance is that within a single hour, you get to work on almost every muscle of your body, thus giving you a complete workout within a short period of time. Unlike other cardio workouts, Aero dance provides a huge variety in styles, and hence doesn’t get you bored or irritated! It’s a workout which despite doing for years together will still have its effects on your body. 
Calories burnt: An intense session can burn up to 400 calories in an hour.