Saturday, September 26, 2009

Aromatherapy for the old

Care of the elderly has been regarded as the least glamorous side of healthcare. As people age, a sense of loneliness affects the elderly and there is a steady decline in the quality of life.
Aromatherapy enhances the holistic framework in the caring of an elderly person. It can be combined with their routine medication. The simple touch of a caregiver can work wonders as a method of communication, whether the person is treated at home or in the hospital. The loneliness goes away and the quality of life is improved.
Some major benefit when aromatherapy is used:
Poor circulation – If the person is immobile, the feet get cold and numb. Gently massage or foot bath with a blend of lavender / rosemary / orange / sandalwood (2-4 drops in a spoon of olive oil).
Digestive disorders / constipation – These are usually the result of age, medication, and lack of roughage in diet. Gently massage the abdomen and feet with a blend of black pepper / rosemary or ginger / basil (2-4 drops in olive oil).
Indigestion – A gentle massage of the abdomen or feet 30 mins prior to meal can help deal with indigestion. Use a blend of caraway / peppermint or saunf / rosemary (2-4 drops in olive oil).
Pressure sore – Elderly, who are bed ridden, suffer with this condition. Essential oils are antiseptic and improve circulation, and are hence useful in healing. They can be sprayed, compressed, or applied directly. A spray containing 100ml water and 10 drops of chamomile, lavender, frankincense. These can also be used as a cold compress. Calendula oil can be applied directly, to keep the person calm.
Insomnia – Essential oils can be vaporised in the room or a tissue can be tucked under the pillow. 2-4 drops of any oils (lavender, bergamot, ylang-ylang) can be used.
Joint pain – Lack of mobility leads to joint problems, pain, swelling and stiffness symptoms.
Anti-inflammatory / swelling reducing – Chamomile , lavender , lemon grass, lemon. Mix 2-4 drops of these with olive oil and apply.
Pain relieving – Ginger, Rosemary. Mix 2-4 drops of these with olive oil and apply.
Stiffness reducing – Juniper and Rosemary. Mix 2-4 drops of these with olive oil and apply.
Ideal care includes good medical support, healthy diet and lots of love and care.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Seven secrets for a slimmer, sexier you

Personal trainer Carly Zucker shares her insider tips on how to get the body you have always wanted.
Her sexy size-eight curves are the envy of women everywhere. But Carly Zucker says she puts in the work to maintain her fabulous figure. The personal trainer, who recently married her long-time love, Chelsea footballer Joe Cole, admits she prefers her body now she’s regained her feminine curves.
“I lose or gain weight quite quickly,” says Carly 25. “And when I was working too many hours and rushing around to people’s houses without sitting down to eat properly I got too slim and didn’t like it. “It’s easy to fall into that trap when you’re at the office and too busy to stop for lunch. But your body needs proper fuel to function and to give you the energy to exercise.”
Now action girl Carly, who shows off the stunning results of her fitness regime in our exclusive photoshoot, stays in shape by sticking to regular healthy meals and working out three times a week.
Here she shares her diet and fitness tips to help you stay slim and sexy, too.
RULE 1: Keep it interesting
I started going to the gym when I was about 16 to do exercise classes. But if I’d done the same thing for 10 years I’d have got very bored with it and probably wouldn’t have stuck to it. I try to spice it up by doing lots of different things to challenge my body.
I love wall climbing, ballet, trapeze, weight training and cycling. At the moment I’m really enjoying just going for a nice walk. On the run-up to the wedding just walking in Hyde Park helped me relax. I’ve always done yoga – I’m the type of person who gets quite stressed, so techniques that slow you down work for me.
RULE 2: Eat smart
I try to eat natural foods rather than processed foods that contain lots of nasties like saturated fat, salt, sugar and additives.
I’m not a fan of faddy diets either and believe it’s important to eat protein, carbs and fats all together in one meal – I know it keeps me more satisfied.
It’s also vital to eat before you get too hungry, which isn’t easy if you’re busy or out and about. But if you get beyond hunger, that’s when you binge. I know I’ll eat two chocolate bars because I need to get food into my body quickly. You end up consuming twice the amount because you’re so hungry.
RULE 3: Stay motivated
Sticking to an exercise regime is really quite simple: you have to do something you enjoy rather than thinking, “This exercise burns 100 more calories than that one”.
To get started, just walk. I know how released my body feels afterwards. It may only burn a quarter of the calories a sprint would, but it makes me feel good and like I’ve done something.
If you find it hard to motivate yourself, find a childhood sport you enjoyed such as netball or hockey and ask a friend to do it with you. It might be harder to find the time when you’re both free, but as soon as you’ve been to a couple of sessions, you’ll have more confidence to go alone. And you won’t want to let the team down. I was really into football before I met Joe and used to captain the girls’ team at my school in Wanstead. Look around your local area for teams you can join.
RULE 4: Make it easy
Leave the house intending to go for a walk, but have your kit on and throw a little run in every couple of minutes, or run between lampposts. It’s a good way of tricking yourself into getting some harder exercise. Afterwards you’ll feel so good because all those endorphins will be running around your body.
Running up and down stairs is another good trick. I do that if I can’t get out. Do it for five or 10 minutes, three times a day to firm up your legs and bottom and burn calories, too.
RULE 5: Treat yourself
I like to have a treat every day! It might be an almond croissant, a piece of chocolate or a cappuccino.
If you don’t allow yourself treats, life is just miserable! Having something you enjoy in moderation makes you less likely to binge on junk and you’ll feel more motivated to stick to eating healthily and exercising the rest of the time.
Just don’t overdo it.
RULE 6: Chuck out the scales
I hate scales and never use them. In the past when I have used them they haven’t reflected how I’ve felt about my body. Sometimes they can be demotivating. I prefer to judge my weight by how I fit into my clothes.
RULE 7: Tone up
Lunges or squats are great exercises for women because they work your thighs and bottom. They’ll tone your tummy, too, if you pull it in as you’re doing the moves.
Going up and down stairs is also great for working your whole body, especially if you’re holding weights. It really puffs you out, too.
Most women hate their arms. My trick for firming them up is to do a half push- up. That’s when you cross your legs over at the ankle and support yourself on your knees as you raise yourself off the floor. This works your triceps (the backs of your arms).
Again, hold in your stomach so your back doesn’t arch downwards.
Carly’s stay-slim menu
Breakfast: I’ll choose from: eggs, granola and yoghurt, cereal with milk or a banana smoothie.
Lunch: I usually have salad with bread on the side – chicken Caesar salad is one of my favourites.
Dinner: Joe likes meat and two veg, so generally we’ll have boiled potatoes (they’re easier to cook!), along with steamed or boiled veg, then fish or a piece of meat. In the summer we might have fish and salad and I love healthy burgers, as long as the ingredients are good

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Diet plateau busters

When you hit a dreaded weight-loss plateau (which can happen more than once through your weight loss journey), you need tips on how to cope. Because how you deal with it is critical to your success
Stay positive
This is when most people give up, but get through this difficult patch and it's the persistence you learn that will keep you slim once you've reached your goal.
Focus on how well you've done so far and remember that staying the same weight is a success because you're not undoing any of the hard work that's gone before.
Manage your hunger
You'll be able to hang on better through a plateau if you aren't fighting hunger pangs too. Go for foods with plenty of fill per calorie - pulses, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, soups and stews.
Distract yourself
Do something to keep your mind off the fact your weight loss has stopped. This is time to pamper yourself, start a new project or learn a new skill.
Pin up a picture
A "before" diet picture stuck to your fridge can be a potent reminder of how far you've already come and just the impetus you need not to give up.
Get support
If you and a trusted friend are dieting together it's likely you'll both be more successful through tough times. Sharing your ups and downs, and hearing someone else's tips and suggestions, can help strengthen your resolve.
Sleep more
Early nights (and lie-ins when you can get them) are all down time when you won't be thinking about food. People who regularly get less than seven-andthree-quarter hours' sleep a night tend to be slightly fatter, according to American research.
Get out the tape measure
See if you can find motivation another way by measuring your vital statistics. Even though you might not be losing pounds, you might still find you're losing inches round the tummy, hips and thighs.
Exercise differently
Make the exercise you do work harder for you - for example, walk further in the same amount of time, or increase your intensity at the gym. Try a new routine to avoid muscles getting "lazy".
If all else fails
Try increasing your calorie intake by 100-200 calories for a week, while making sure you burn up these extra calories in activity. Then drop back down again - it should usually get your extra weight shifting again.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Asanas to tone up your body

Start each these asanas in this position – hands beside your thighs, palms resting flat on the ground

Stretch your body and keep it taut
Inhale and raise both legs slowly while putting pressure on your hands
Align your legs at 90 degrees to the floor and then slowly bring them down
However, just before touching the ground, raise both legs back up
Repeat 8–10 times or till you feel tired
Inhale while raising the legs, exhale while bringing them down
Repeat this asana 3–5 times.
Benefits: Reduces stomach flab; strengthens stomach muscles; tones digestive organs

Caution: Those suffering from backache, slip disc, sciatica, high blood pressure and heart diseases should do this asana with only one leg at a time.

Ek Pad Vrittasana
Raise your left leg and make a large circle by rotating it in a clockwise direction from the hip joint
Continue to make 8–10 circles without touching the ground at all
After rotating in clockwise direction, rotate the same leg in anticlockwise direction for 8–10 rounds
Then rest in shavasana
After completing this exercise with the left leg, repeat with the right leg. Breathe normally
Repeat this asana 3–4 times for better results
Benefits: Reduces extra weight from thighs; increase flexibility of hip joints

Caution: Those suffering from spinal problems, high blood pressure and heart problems should avoid this asana.

Dwi Pad Vrittasana
Raise both legs and make a large circle by rotating them in a clockwise direction at the hip joint
Then rotate them in anticlockwise direction
Continue to make 8–10 circles
Rest in shavasana
Diet tips
In empty stomach have a glass of lukewarm water mixed with 1 tsp lime juice and 2 tsp honey in the morning
Have 1 tsp triphla powder mixed in water before sleeping
Replace fried, spicy food with boiled green vegetables, fruits, juices, soups
Drink at least 8–10 glasses of water every day
Avoid taking an afternoon nap

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Beat the flu with Ayurveda

The concept of immunity in Ayurveda is explained as Vyaadhikshamatva, understood as resistance to disease, arises out of robust health.
The equilibrium or homeostasis of the supporting elements of human body and mind is Dhaatusaamya which is immunity. Diseases occur due to disruption of this delicate balance of the individual’s Dosha (bio-energies) and Dhatu (tissues).
Nutrition and digestion play a major role in building immunity. Improperly digested foods that accumulate in the body due to poor agni (digestive fire) result in the accumulation of ama (toxins). This is the foundation for infection by krimi (pathogens). Unless a seed (infection) is sown in a fertile soil (body containing toxin), it will never propagate, just like the fire fails to ignite in the absence of air.
Yuktikruta where immunity can be acquired or strengthened follows the precepts of Vyayama, Satmya and Rasayana.
Vyayama – Regular walk, appropriate yogasana and pranayama enhances digestion, tissue metabolism and immunity
Satmya – Drug, diet or conduct which, owing to habitual use develops adaptability and loses its initial stress value.
Rasayanas – Brahmi, Guduchi, Amlaki, Ashwagandha, among others, are used ingredients to promote good health. These ingredients are either given by itself or in combination. Besides strengthening immunity, these preparations help in combating many common aliments from seasonal flu to chronic diseases.
Recipes for immunity revolve around the elimination of ama, improvement of digestion to curtail further production of ama, and enhance the resistive strength of the body or balavarthanam. Herbs such as Trikatu contribute to the elimination of ama and enhance digestion. Triphala, Guduchi and Aswagandha are rasayana that improve resistance to infections.
Ancient recipes such as Amrutottaram Kashayam, Indukantham Kashayam, Sudarshana choornam, Pipalyasavam and Dasamoolarishtam act as preventive and curative treatments to infections including viral outbreaks.
Tips to beat the Flu
A brisk walk for 30 – 45 minutes every day.
Avoid exposure to cold.
Steam inhalation with Tulsi leaves and turmeric
Drink two liters of warm water a day. This helps in flushing out toxins from the body.
Consume traditional herbal recipes like Sudarshana choornam and Indukantham to improve immunity.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Yoga for High BP

Yoga for high blood pressureHere are some yoga tips to help you keep your high blood pressure under These exercises should be done before breakfast and needs to be repeated 10 times each for better results.
Anulom–Vilom Pranayam
Sit straight, breathe normally and form the pranayam mudrawith right hand. Close right nostril with right thumb and exhale slowly through the left nostril. Now inhale, slowly to your maximum capacity. Now close left nostril with ring and little finger and lift the thumb off the right nostril. Exhale slowly through the right nostril. Now repeat the same processes with the left nostril to complete one round.
Ujjayee Pranayam
Close eyes sitting in sukhasana, breathing normally. Exhale fully. Now inhale with both nostrils and contract your neck muscles to produce a continuous sobbing sound —low but uniformly pitched and without any breaks. Inhale to your lungs, maximum capacity. You should feel slight vibration in your chest and head areas. Try holding your breath as long as possible. Now form the pranayam mudra with your right hand and close the right nostril with right thumb and exhale slowly through left nostril. This completes one round
Bhramari Pranayam
Sit straight eyes closed in either sukhasana or padmasana and breathe normally. Close both your ears with your thumbs. Keep your index fingers on your forehead near the agya chakra and the remaining three fingers on your eyes. Exhale completely, then inhale slowly and fill your lungs with air. As you exhale slowly, hum like a bee. Focus your attention on this sound.
Deep Breathing and Dhyan
Sit straight forming the gyan mudra and your hands on the knees, palms upwards. Close your eyes gently and focus on your breathing. Inhale to your lungs’ maximum capacity and then exhale fully.
Lie on your back both legs straight and legs apart by about a foot. Keep arms on the floor, slightly away from your torso, palms facing upwards. Make sure that there is no tension in your body. Let your limbs loose. Close eyes and focus all your attention on breathing inhaling and exhaling in a rhythmic pattern.

Weight Reduction Asanas

Asanas to reduce weight
Here are some asanas that will help you not only reduce weight but also prevent weight gain

These exercises should be performed in the morning on an empty stomach or five hours after a substantial meal.

Diet tips

  • Cut down intake of potato, rice, fried food, chocolate, colas and high-sugar fruit.
  • Never eat to your stomach’s full.
  • Avoid drinking water during the meal. Keep a gap of at least 30 minutes. Avoid chilled water.

1. Kapalbhati Kriya
Sit down in sukhasana, eyes gently closed and your neck straight. Exhale forcefully through both nostrils, simultaneously pulling your stomach in. Repeat about 40–50 times till you are tired. Keep your body still during the kriya. Then breathe out completely and relax. Increase gradually to 80–100 times.

Benefits: Helps in fighting obesity, eliminates all toxins from the air passages, thus cleansing body and mind;
Caution: If you have heart disease, high blood pressure or hernia, exhale very slowly.

2. Urdhvahastottanasana
Stand erect, heels joined. Interlock your fingers and slowly raise your hands upwards, while inhaling. Now exhale and bend to the left at the waist. Hold the position as long as you can, breathing normally. Then inhale and bring the body back into erect position. Repeat for the right side. Repeat the asana 6–8 times.

Benefits: Bolsters the digestive system, especially stomach, liver and intestines; counters constipation; tones spine and kidney; gradually eliminates waist and tummy flab; enhances the body’s elasticity

3. Trikonasana
Stand erect, your feet about three feet apart. Inhale and raise both your hands from the sides bringing them in line with your shoulders. Exhale and bend your upper half so as to touch the right toe with left hand while the right hand points straight upwards. Then, turn your head upwards to look at the right hand. Keep both knees straight. Hold the posture as long as you can, breathing normally. Then bring the body back up and repeat for the other side. Repeat this asana 4–5 times.

Benefits: Reduces waist fat; enhances spinal flexibility