Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Beat the flu with Ayurveda

The concept of immunity in Ayurveda is explained as Vyaadhikshamatva, understood as resistance to disease, arises out of robust health.
The equilibrium or homeostasis of the supporting elements of human body and mind is Dhaatusaamya which is immunity. Diseases occur due to disruption of this delicate balance of the individual’s Dosha (bio-energies) and Dhatu (tissues).
Nutrition and digestion play a major role in building immunity. Improperly digested foods that accumulate in the body due to poor agni (digestive fire) result in the accumulation of ama (toxins). This is the foundation for infection by krimi (pathogens). Unless a seed (infection) is sown in a fertile soil (body containing toxin), it will never propagate, just like the fire fails to ignite in the absence of air.
Yuktikruta where immunity can be acquired or strengthened follows the precepts of Vyayama, Satmya and Rasayana.
Vyayama – Regular walk, appropriate yogasana and pranayama enhances digestion, tissue metabolism and immunity
Satmya – Drug, diet or conduct which, owing to habitual use develops adaptability and loses its initial stress value.
Rasayanas – Brahmi, Guduchi, Amlaki, Ashwagandha, among others, are used ingredients to promote good health. These ingredients are either given by itself or in combination. Besides strengthening immunity, these preparations help in combating many common aliments from seasonal flu to chronic diseases.
Recipes for immunity revolve around the elimination of ama, improvement of digestion to curtail further production of ama, and enhance the resistive strength of the body or balavarthanam. Herbs such as Trikatu contribute to the elimination of ama and enhance digestion. Triphala, Guduchi and Aswagandha are rasayana that improve resistance to infections.
Ancient recipes such as Amrutottaram Kashayam, Indukantham Kashayam, Sudarshana choornam, Pipalyasavam and Dasamoolarishtam act as preventive and curative treatments to infections including viral outbreaks.
Tips to beat the Flu
A brisk walk for 30 – 45 minutes every day.
Avoid exposure to cold.
Steam inhalation with Tulsi leaves and turmeric
Drink two liters of warm water a day. This helps in flushing out toxins from the body.
Consume traditional herbal recipes like Sudarshana choornam and Indukantham to improve immunity.

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