Start each these asanas in this position – hands beside your thighs, palms resting flat on the ground
Stretch your body and keep it taut
Inhale and raise both legs slowly while putting pressure on your hands
Align your legs at 90 degrees to the floor and then slowly bring them down
However, just before touching the ground, raise both legs back up
Repeat 8–10 times or till you feel tired
Inhale while raising the legs, exhale while bringing them down
Repeat this asana 3–5 times.
Benefits: Reduces stomach flab; strengthens stomach muscles; tones digestive organs
Caution: Those suffering from backache, slip disc, sciatica, high blood pressure and heart diseases should do this asana with only one leg at a time.
Ek Pad Vrittasana
Raise your left leg and make a large circle by rotating it in a clockwise direction from the hip joint
Continue to make 8–10 circles without touching the ground at all
After rotating in clockwise direction, rotate the same leg in anticlockwise direction for 8–10 rounds
Then rest in shavasana
After completing this exercise with the left leg, repeat with the right leg. Breathe normally
Repeat this asana 3–4 times for better results
Benefits: Reduces extra weight from thighs; increase flexibility of hip joints
Caution: Those suffering from spinal problems, high blood pressure and heart problems should avoid this asana.
Dwi Pad Vrittasana
Raise both legs and make a large circle by rotating them in a clockwise direction at the hip joint
Then rotate them in anticlockwise direction
Continue to make 8–10 circles
Rest in shavasana
Diet tips
In empty stomach have a glass of lukewarm water mixed with 1 tsp lime juice and 2 tsp honey in the morning
Have 1 tsp triphla powder mixed in water before sleeping
Replace fried, spicy food with boiled green vegetables, fruits, juices, soups
Drink at least 8–10 glasses of water every day
Avoid taking an afternoon nap
Budget 2016, some views
As it sometimes happens at this time of the year, I'm writing this before
the Union Budget for 2016-17 is presented by the finance minister, Arun
8 years ago
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