Saturday, February 20, 2010

Rough & Dry Skin

‘Egg’cellent treatment

A few drops of lemon juice and olive oil mixed in an egg yolk and applied on the face is known to transform dry and rough skin to a much smoother and hydrated level. Leave the mix on your face till it dries. Wash it off with ordinary tap water.

Olive oil protection

Use a muslin cloth to make a simple face mask by cutting holes for the eyes, nose and mouth in it. Before going to bed, soak the cloth mask in olive oil, put it on your face and lie down. After about 40 minutes or so, take off the mask and wipe off your face with a dry soft cloth. In the morning, wash your face with luke warm water and then splash cool tap water liberally. Gently pat dry. This treatment is believed to work wonders in combating dry skin.

To protect your skin and prevent it from dryness during the winter, add two drops of olive oil in your bath water.

Home made night cream

You can make this cream in a minute. Take half a teaspoon of milk cream, lemon juice, one teaspoon of almond oil and mix all the ingredients well. You have an effective cream to counteract dry and rough skin at your finger tips. Use it on your face and neck every night.

Rose and lemon lotion

Use the following mixture on your body after your bath to counteract dry skin. Take three tablespoons rose water, two tablespoons lemon juice and one-tablespoon glycerine. Mix all the ingredients well. Left over lotion can be stored in the refrigerator.

Smoothen with salt

Knees, elbows and heels are prone to getting rough and dry. Use salt and mustard oil to make a paste. Massage these vulnerable parts with the salt paste regularly and you will soon notice a beautiful difference.

Beautify with cabbage juice

Take some cabbage juice, a dash of yeast, and a teaspoon of honey. Mix all the ingredients well. Apply the mixture on your face and neck. Let remain for twenty minutes. Take it off using soft cloth or cotton wool soaked in plain tap water. Pat dry. This nourishing and nurturing mask for rough and dry skin is said to be an excellent preventive for wrinkles too.

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