Monday, April 5, 2010

Diabetes:Prevention, Tips

Sometimes, small steps or alterations in one's diet and lifestyle can reap long term health benefits.
World Diabetes Day raises global awareness of diabetes and its escalating rates around the world. WHO estimates that more than 180 million people worldwide have diabetes, this according to 2005 figures. This number is likely to more than double by 2030 without massive intervention by the public and private sector. Almost 80% of diabetes deaths occur in low and middle-income countries.
On the Occasion of World Diabetes Day -
Observe the following tips for prevention
Here are a few simple tips to prevent Diabetes or delay the onset even if you have a couple of risk factors for developing the disease.
  1. Eat healthy (plenty of fiber, whole grains, and healthy fats)
  2. Eat small (5-6 small meals a day at regular intervals)
  3. Be Healthy (Do regular moderate exercise daily)
  4. Keep track of glucose levels (Monitor –Weight, Blood sugar, blood pressure, lipid profile-cholesterol & triglycerides)
  5. Live healthy (no smoking and limited alcohol intake)

1. Eat healthy (plenty of fiber, whole grains, and healthy fats)
  • Focus on healthy carbohydrates - avoid excess carbohydrates and simple sugars one which do not have too much starch (low glycemic index) and has plenty of fiber and thereby between the two releases the blood sugar better (glycemic load).
  • Eat a wide variety of foods, varied in rich, bright colors  - plenty of fruits, vegetables, meats, nuts, dairy products, and grains/cereals.
  • Eat the appropriate amount of calories to maintain a healthy balanced weight.
  • Choose whole grain foods breads, fruit, and cereal. High in vitamins, minerals and fiber. We need 25 to 35 grams of fiber per day

2. Eat small amounts of food but more often to prevent fluctuation of the blood sugar levels and prevent hunger pangs
. Stick to regular timings on a daily basis and never skip meals as the body will have to constantly adapt to dips in blood sugar levels.
3. Be Healthy by participating in daily moderate exercise, especially true for a diabetic as it has a 3 prong benefit 
  • Insulin efficiency, blood circulation and energy levels improve.
  • Reduces weight, blood cholesterol and blood pressure
  • Improves muscle strength, bone density and reduces stress.

4. Keep healthy .One of the best measures for checking ones fitness is to keep tabs on your sensitive blood parameters. In the case of Diabetes the important parameters one must monitor are -
  • BMI maintain an ideal weight for your age /height and activity
  • Blood sugar: FBS should be between 70-110 mg/dl and PPBS not more than 120 mg /dl
  • HbA1c: should be checked every 2-3 months and should not  exceed 7%
  • Blood pressure: should be maintained at 120-130 /80 mm of Hg
  • Lipids: maintain within limits:  total cholesterol < 200mg/dl,  LDL <100mg/dl      HDL >40- 50 mg/dl , TGL <150mg /dl 

5. Live Healthy
It is important that you adapt and maintain a healthy life style which will prevent Diabetes.
  • Smoking. Quit smoking as it may predispose you for a stroke
  • Alcohol : if permitted, limit your alcohol to 1-2 drinks a week and choose light beers or wine instead of strong alcohol, but ensure you tally your calories from alcohol with your days allowance
  • Sleep: ensure 6-7 hrs of good restful sleep to beat the stress.
Simple sustained lifestyle steps will promote stabilized blood glucose levels and make the disorder more manageable, improve quality of life and prevent complications.

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