Friday, April 2, 2010

Sexual Life does not retire at 60

In fact, many men and women are sexually active well into their 70s and 80s - with a substantial number of over-75s having sex more than once a week, according to a study published recently in the British Medical Journal.

When I was researching a book about defying the ageing process, I talked to a well-known historian who'd just turned 85. He told me he was enjoying better sex than ever with his new 60-something wife - proof that it's possible to still make love throughout your twilight years.
And there are so many reasons why: you have more leisure time, less stress, no kids around and a greater level of confidence - all of which can combine to give you an enormous sense of sexual freedom.
The good news is there's plenty you can do now - whatever your age - to ensure you will enjoy sex in the future.
The new research found that how long people kept that loving feeling was strongly linked to lifestyle factors such as general heath, availability of a partner, fitness and self-esteem.
So, read on to boost your chances of still enjoying intimacy when you're drawing your pension. Are you in rude health? Answer these questions to reveal how your current lifestyle could affect your sexual longevity:
1) Are you married or single? Why it matters: Research shows that people who get married and stay married are more likely to continue having a healthy sex life into old age, mainly because they have more opportunity than those living alone. Couples also tend to be less inhibited about sex the longer they're together.
2) How many times a week do you take at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise? 
3 to 4 
Less than 2 
Why it matters: Getting regular exercise is important to keep you slim, full of energy and less prone to serious disease. People in good health who are fit are nearly twice as likely to have sex in middle and older age. 
Men in "very good" or "excellent" health can add five to seven years to sexual life expectancy, while women can add three to six years.
3) Is your other half...Older 
The same age 
Why it matters: Having a partner who is younger increases your sex life expectancy. It's possible that men are sexually active for longer than women because they tend to marry younger women. As women live longer than men, many women over 70 will have outlived their partner while men who do reach their 70s and 80s tend to still have their partner and a continuing sex life - but this trend is starting to change as more women are marrying younger men.
4) Do you or your partner have any of the following?Diabetes
Heart disease
Prostate problems 
Why it matters: Many illnesses, such as diabetes and prostate cancer, can affect a man's ability to have and maintain an erection. 
Though women are prey to some of these health problems, they don't tend to stop them being able to have sex in the same way - with the exception of depression which can dampen both male and female sex drive. To prevent illness getting in the way, see your GP if you suspect any of the above. Speedy treatment can save your life - and your sexual future.
5) Are you or your partner on any of this medication? 
Blood pressure medication including ACE inhibitors, beta-blockers and calcium channel blockers 
Statins to lower cholesterol
Opiate-based painkillers such as morphine 
Why it matters: These medications could impact on your sex drive and can cause impotence in men. 
If, after starting on one of these medications, you've noticed that you've lost interest in sex - speak to your GP as simply switching tablets may be all that's needed to add years to your sexual life expectancy.
Keep loving for longer 
Adopt an "I'm never too old" attitude There's still a double standard when it comes to the older generation and sex. While it's fine for ageing men to be seen as still sexually active, the same does not always apply to older women. Remind yourself this simply isn't true.
Keep talking 
Couples who talk have more sex - so keep communication open. Tell each other how you're feeling and be honest about sex. Ask if your partner feels satisfied with your love life and how you can help, and explain your own needs too.
See your doctorIt may be embarrassing to bring up issues like vaginal dryness and painful intercourse with your GP, but most problems like this have simple solutions.
Use it or lose it
The more sex you have, the more you want, so keep making love - even if it's only once a month. A Japanese study found that people who'd not had sex for a year had a high chance of never having it again.
Keep a partner healthy 
One of the main reasons women aren't sexually active later in life is the health of their partner. Men in poorer health tend to have more erectile dysfunction. 
Regular exercise and a healthy diet will help ensure your partner and you can enjoy sex for longer.
When sex just gets betterFar from fading away, for some women sexual desire can increase with age - for very good biological reasons. During fertile years, women produce lots of the female hormone oestrogen which keeps levels of the male hormones, androgens (yes, women produce these too), in check.
However, after the menopause, oestrogen levels drop but androgen levels stay the same and get a chance to rule the roost. This can have a positive effect on your sex life by: 
Boosting your sex drive 
Making you more sexually alert 
Helping you become aroused more quickly 
Making orgasms stronger - This explains why many women find their sexual mojo comes back stronger in their 60s and 70s. I met an American magazine publisher who confided she'd had her first orgasm aged 74 - despite being married three times previously! 
She was now enjoying the best sex of her life with a younger lover - and had no intention of stopping.

1 comment:

  1. part of life becomes a parcel of life too. only leading a life mentally means nothing to some one who lives in a owrld full of dream. when it, dream becomes real then feeling too becomes real. sex is nothing but real but appeal brings about a feeling which concerns dream. when both come together then it completes the equation,which enable any living body to liead a satisfied lied life mentally and physically. that is the reason human being gets concerned towardds making a real friendly relation with like minded people who can share their ideas. evantually gets oneself satisfied to lead a heavenly life. EXCELLANT COLLECTIONS.
