Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Baby Care Tips

Handling a newborn may seem like a laborious task initially, so just follow these simple steps and your doctor’s advice to make handling you baby easier. 

  • Breast-feeding: Mother's milk provides all the nutrients, protects infant from infections and other illness. Breast-feeding is vital for your baby's physical, mental and emotional growth. Ensure that you continue it till the time your baby is at least 6 months old.
  • Feeding schedule: You may not be sure how often you need to feed your baby, be it breastfeeding or formula-feeding but generally a baby needs to be fed on demand.
  • Burping your baby: Try burping your baby at short intervals between feeds or when you switch breasts while breastfeeding.
  • Hygiene: Maintain hygiene to prevent infections. Sterilize your baby's bottles, spoons, plates, etc.
  • Massaging: Massaging enhances the emotional bond with your child and can calm him / her down, improve sleep patterns, help digestion and improve their growth and development. Regular gentle massage by good quality natural / vegetable oils make babies more active and alert as compared to other infants. Be cautious about the timing, position and setting of giving a massage while keeping in mind the baby’s comfort level. 
  • Bathing: Give a warm sponge bath by using mild baby soap and baby shampoo. Do not bathe your baby very often as this may result in dry skin or the risk of catching a cold. Bathe your baby two or three times in a week, at least in the first year.
  • Clothing and diapers: Keep your baby warm, clean and comfortable. Change diapers regularly and keep baby’s genitals and buttocks area clean and dry. Baby’s skin is very sensitive and prone to rashes. Use coconut oil to prevent any kind of skin rash.
  • Handle them safely: Newborn babies are fragile and need to be handled with care. While carrying your baby, support his/her neck and head with the palm of your hand.
  • Medical checkups: Regular medical visits for growth monitoring (baby's weight, length, head circumference and reflexes) and immunization needs to be done.

1 comment:

  1. A BABY is a little bit of heaven on earth...
    Excellent info ...keep it up!

    Thanks & regards
