Monday, March 22, 2010

Remove negative emotions, clean Surya Chakra

An emotionally congested person cannot remain healthy for long, no matter what you do. You have to get rid of the negative emotions otherwise problems like asthma, high blood pressure and arthritis start to slowly manifest.

If there are any congestions or blockages in this channel then it will disturb the free flow of prana and in this case, it happens to be your surya chakra. This chakra constantly forms connections with whomever you see, meet or interact during your day-to-day activities. This is the place where all emotions get stored. The thymus gland responsible for immunity and preservation and also all the organs that preserve the body are located here. So if the surya chakra gets clogged, then the prana begins to accumulate here and you start falling sick. So to rid you of emotional congestion, follow this kriya.
  • Take your awareness to the solar or surya chakra (spot below the sternum bone). Bringing both your palms closer try to see if you can feel sensation as you move your hands away from each other and then bring them closer very gently, keeping your eyes closed and maintaining an internal awareness. Continue this for a while until you feel some sensation.
  • With your right hand just make anti-clockwise movements around this chakra as if you’re cleaning something. Then throw the same at any green grassy patch, away from you. Never direct it on someone. Repeat this simple procedure 20 times.
  • Now before doing this step you need to be sure that you want to do this. Gently take your awareness to the person who is bothering you. Visualize your hand to be a knife and cut across at your surya charka. Feel the person going really far from you. The bondage, emotional baggage gets broken with the ability of your consciousness. Wash your hands and no matter how much you want to; try not to think about that person for 2 hours after cutting your connection.
It is then you will feel light and happy.

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